Entrepreneurs Society

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4th Induction of New Members & Installation of Club Officers

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Gil Bangalan, DTM, July 1 2023

A Refreshing Start

July 1, 2023, the first day of the month and the first day of the Toastmasters 2023-2024 fiscal year.

It was the first time that ESP club held its first ever face-to-face meeting.

The first time that the our new District 75 Director Ninio Supelveda DTM visited his first club and gave an inspiring speech,  the first time that Ian Cortez, DTM attended a club as the DivM Director and taking the role of Table Topics Evaluator, the first time that Tomas Dy Tolentino visited the club as the DivM Area 2 Director and formally discharged the outgoing club officers. 

The first time that artist and painter TM Denley Mirabueno joined us face-to-face to share with us his general evaluation of the meeting. 

Our lone prepared speaker past Division Governor Jaime Siybauco awed and entertained the audience with his handwriting analysis and interpretation. No one was spared from TM Jimmy’s rant, ruse and revelations. TM Jimmy is an accredited professional graphologist.

The meeting was so refreshing, revitalizing and rejuvenating that convinced our guests to become members in ESP – Joanna Santiago, sisters Mari Stefani and Mari Brianna Iliscupidez. 

They actively participated and visibly enjoyed the moments.

Entrepreneurs Society of the Philippines TMC celebrated its 2nd chartering anniversary. The club was chartered during the pandemic, on June 28, 2021 and ended the TI term 2022-2023 as a President Distinguished Club. Kudos to all the leaders and members for the successful year.

Outgoing Club President Gil P. Bangalan DTM officially turned over the gavel of authority to Club President Hernan Jeng Jopson MS2. The new Club Officers will be formally inducted on August 11, 2023 (details to follow).


An article by Gil Bangalan, DTM, Immediate Past Club President of ESP Toastmasters Club

Written by

Gil Bangalan, DTM

Newer Ready, Fire, Aim!!